Why The Academy?
The Academy is a free public charter school located in Chubbuck, Idaho serving over 800 students in grades Kindergarten through 8th. We recognize how important the decision of education is and feel both capable and honored at helping define childrens' futures.
What sets us apart?
Here are just a few highlights of why families love our school:
Exceptional teachers and rigorous curriculum
Kind and safe environment with an emphasis on friendship, respect, and problem solving
Spanish starting in 2nd grade
Separate elementary and middle school buildings
After school programs: drone club, basketball, cross country, Minecraft builders club, orchestra, computer club, reading club, dance team
No personal electronic distractions as student phones are put away during the school day
Students enter high school highly qualified and ready to succeed

"Public charter schools are some of America’s top-performing schools. A quarter of the Best High Schools in America, according to Newsweek and U.S. News and World Report, are public charter schools, even though they comprise just over 6 percent of the nation’s public high schools. A higher percentage of charter students graduate high school and are accepted into a college or university than students in traditional public schools.
In Idaho, public charter schools are perennially some of the state’s highest performing public schools on state achievement tests in both English Language Arts and mathematics, and on the SAT. Idaho charter school students show more academic growth than their traditional district school peers, and this is true for all students, economically disadvantaged students and minority students." Idaho Charter School Network